Four Seasons follows Charisse (Nia Fairweather) and Braxton (David J. Cook) as they navigate the high and low tides of their relationship. It is a peek into what happens when expectations and things left unsaid collide.

Will they be able to ride the seasons of change or be crushed by them? Only time will tell.

THEMES: Friendship, Marriage, Post-Partum, Parenthood

Directed by Kurt Williamson
Written by Nia Fairweather
Starring Nia Fairweather and David J. Cork
Featuring J Ivy and Keir Thirus

Produced by  Kurt Williamson and Nia Fairweather
Director of Photography by Chris Velona
Cinematography by Rafael Gomez
Original Music by Steve Wallace
Edited by Alex Grybauskas


Diversity in Cannes | WINNER- Director’s Choice Award, Best Score and NOMINEE - Best Writing

Chicago Southland International Film Festival | WINNER- Audience Choice Award

Pan African Film Festival | NOMINEE- Best Narrative Short Film